The state of being so intoxicated (regardless of the intoxicating agent) that all the person can do is smile, so that they look lit up. It can be used for places too.

DJ Panda is lit, he needs to sleep ASAP.
TBT: Throwback Thursday
When you want to post an old photo, hold off till Thursday and tag it with #ThrowbackThursday or #TBT. It’s a sure-fire way to get more likes and comments on Instagram.

YOLO: You Only Live Once
YOLO can be used either to inspire someone to seize an opportunity, or as justification for reckless behavior.

Go for it, YOLO!
IDK: I don’t know
IDK is used to express that you don’t know or understand something.
IDK what you are talking about.
FR: for real
FR is used to indicate that you are telling the truth.
I was so wasted last night, FR!
SMH: Shaking my head
SMH is used as a response to someone having done, said or written something really stupid, or as a reaction to something that makes little sense.

Person 1: How come water on the bottom of the earth, at the south pole, doesn’t fall off the earth and go into space?
Person 2: SMH.
BAE- before anything else
Bae is used as an affectionate term for your significant other. Bae can also be used to refer to anything that is so outstanding, you'd pretty much date it if you could.

On a diet, but food is bae.
TBH: To Be Honest
TBH is used to emphasize the sincerity of your statement. It is also used on social media to offer an honest (and usually complimentary) message in exchange for a like.
TBH, you look really nice in that dress.
Savage is used to describe someone’s actions that you find to be awesome, but also acknowledge them as brutal.

Justin buried his brother up to his neck at the beach, it was savage HAHA.
Slay is used to acknowledge that someone has done something really well.
Eminem’s new album slayed.