The medium of data consumption has changed with the passage of time. From desktops to laptops, the online audience has subtly moved over to mobile phones. According to a recent survey, 89% of individuals tend to use their smartphones to browse content over the internet. In times such as these, it becomes mandatory to seek help of a seasoned digital marketing agency for the strategic deployment of the SEO activities, for your business. However, corporate houses and business organisations still have concerns in regards to the drastic change in pattern of data consumption via smartphones. Listed below are four significant facts about SEO for mobile phones.

Responsive websites are the future: It is no mystery that most websites have gone the responsive way to cater to the needs of the online audience. However, you need not be despondent, in case you are yet to espouse responsive designs for your business. However, before getting into the technical intricacies of the responsive website, here’s an overview of the same. The responsive websites are coded to adapt all screen sizes, regardless of the screen they are being displayed on. This not only leads to enhanced user-experience, but also enhances the ranking of your website on mega search engines. The services of a website development agency should be able to do enough justice to your online business, providing you the much needed leverage.
Microdata in your HTML code: It’s great that you might have been able to optimise the meta data on your pages. However, microdata in your HTML code is a major step towards optimising your content for mobile phones. Since mobile phones have comparatively smaller screens, it is feasible that variables such as publication dates and ratings might as well prove to be the standout factors. In addition, major search engines tend to salivate at the prospect of such tags. A web design company should be able to provide you all the required assistance you need, in this regard.
Mobile App Indexing: The app indexing feature allows your clients (individuals who have installed your app) to open/download the content directly from the search engine results. However, user prospective clients (individuals who have not downloaded your app) can view the content in SERPs instead of sending them to a totally new landing page and inviting them to install the app). An award winning agency would be instrumental, as far as enhancing the reputation of your online business is concerned.
Implementing full-page HTML instead of Interstitials: The HTMLs tend to be in line with the content of a page. On the flipside, interstitials of the pop-up variety can certainly jeopardise the seamless flow of your online business apart from mitigating its chances of ranking higher on the search engines. To add to the tally, if you’ve been trying to browse a desktop page from a mobile deice, it is important to redirect the user to the correct URL instead of dishing out a 404 error.
Least to say, SEO for mobile phones is the way ahead in a market that is inundated with websites selling products and services. Apart from plying to the prerequisites of online reputation management, you could see your business grow by leaps and bounces, at the end of every financial quarter. To know more about the afore mentioned services, you could get in touch with a reputed digital marketing agency, at the earliest.