The love for video amongst consumer is increasing by the day. A recent study by Adobe reveals that online video is seeing an upward trend since last year. Video consumption among consumers increased to 43% in Q2 of 2014, as compared to the stats around the same time in the last year. In all, consumers watched 38.2 billion free videos online during these 3 months.
Digging in deeper, stats also reveal that TV video consumption enjoyed a startling 388% increase in viewership in both free video and subscription-based viewing categories. The trends and consumer behavior is playing an active role in the growth of online video viewing and as time passes by, online videos will become a significant part of consumer’s day-to-day life. Further, video is also initiating changes that have already started to stabilize the content digital marketing industry, especially where spending on advertisements is involved.
The digital marketing landscape will change tremendously for good with the video boom in 2015.
Following are 4 trends that will definitely benefit the marketers and the industry:

SEO via video will be an upward trend: With increased accessibility of video, growth in video marketing in 2015 will be extraordinary. It will be easier to produce a video and use it to increase SEO rankings of your website. Videos will hence become an intrinsic part of your online presence with their affordability and viral factor.
Social media will also be more video-centric: With the growth in the number of video producing resources, promoting content through video will become more affordable. Social media will see a wave of change in content shared, which will be more video oriented and will convey the message in a much more effective way than you’ve expected. With engaging Facebook video content, Vine’s 6 second video and Instagram’s 15 second video posts, Twitter too has opened up the option of 30 second videos to win your consumers.
Mobile-friendly video: In this era of smartphones, when people are connected with the world via social media, video-friendly mobile technology will make it big in the digital industry. This will in turn facilitate reaching your consumers in an entertaining and an easy way.
Diversity in video audiences: Video-viewing audiences are getting more diverse than ever. Studies have revealed that the unique monthly consumers of video have more than doubled in recent years. The 146% yearly increase in video viewing pretty much proves that videos are not just alluring young people, but also the general population from all walks of life. This also opens up doors for marketers who want to reach larger audiences at the same time.
Here are a few more stats that will tell you how important videos are for your digital marketing strategy in 2015.

In the end, the biggest incentive for any brand manager will be to expand his budget in video marketing in 2015 to gain maximum benefits and ROI from the digital world.