You know you need to invest in mobile apps, when the number of smartphones in usage exceeds that of toothbrushes in a country. Now that’s hypothetical, maybe not. Emarketer predicts that the number of mobile phone users will surpass 5 billion people worldwide by 2017. People love to carry their smart phones almost everywhere and all the time, so they are connected with the world always. But does the world they are connected with, include your brand?
Most of you will say a big ‘yes’ because you have a mobile-site. But with a profusion of mobile phones in the market, is having a mobile-site enough? Not really, with studies revealing that users perform better with apps than mobile-sites. Here are the 7 reasons that tell why you should have a mobile app for your buisness. Get Your app here.

To give your customers a seamless experience: Both Google and Apple’s app stores prefer least speed requirements for mobile app listing. This ensures that users will get an instant and smooth experience from applications, which will in turn boost engagement and action levels for your business. This is further helpful in case your business does not have a mobile optimized website, and it is extremely difficult and irritating to browse through such a site.
It is an extension of your brand: An app is an extension for your brand, as it naturally showcases everything your business, products and services. It is more like an amalgamation of a mini billboard, PR, advertising and a salesman into one that your customer can access on his smartphone 24x7.
Increase brand awareness and recall: A mobile app is like a blank billboard sign that you can use to promote your brand the way you want. You can make it stylish, formal, functional, shocking or informative. The ultimate aim is to create an app that your customers will appreciate by seamlessly aligning the brand and their personas. An app, also increases exposure and engagement around your brand by nearly 10 folds.
Be unique, unlike your competitors: Since a lot of small and mid-size business houses still don’t have mobile apps for their businesses, it will be a great opportunity for your business to head start the trend and be ahead of the competition always.
Pace up engagement around your brand: Studies have revealed that more than 83% smartphone users begin their day by checking their phones and using an app. Mobile apps also enable the brand to engage in real-time, using location and complete profile information. Social sharing functions further create a direct link between fans and their own networks, which open up a wide spectrum of referral marketing for your brand, creating customer loyalty through sincere connections.
Your very own digital space: You can club all the various online platforms in a single place and give it to your customers as an app. Be it a website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Podcast, some other digital platform, your client can use the app to interact with you. This in turn increases the possibilities of customer engagement manifold.
Instant and excellent customer support: Customer is the king for any business, and a mobile app can help you understand the route your business is taking. Customers who frequently use a mobile app are also actively involved in the process of feedback. The feedback, positive or negative, can help you devise policies to strengthen your business. The app also enables your customers to get in touch with you all the time with their queries. These queries can be answered in a shorter turn-around time, making your customers feel even more special and cared for.
A mobile app can thus make things simpler for your customers. A feature-rich mobile app with incredible performance can, not only keep your existing customers happy, but with numerous benefits it can also win you new customers. Therefore, it’s time you think about having a mobile app for your business and take action in that direction asap. Here’s a list of the types of mobile apps that you can choose from as per your business requirements:

Enterprise: An enterprise app brings the team working together closer by providing ease in sharing information and automating processes. This app solves the organizational problems and makes the life of a manager easy. Since, you can track and plan accordingly with this app, you are always ahead of the curve.
Gaming: Engagement is what a brand looks for to register itself in the minds of the consumers. Fun is what can drive engagement easily. People are always looking for fun and love the brands that offer it. This has made game apps popular amongst adults and children alike, opening a potential medium to win potential customers.
Publishing: Content publishing apps are an easy and popular medium to broadcast your brand content to a mixed group of audience. You can easily distribute blog posts, brand articles, press releases etc. to your audience via a media publishing app.
E-Commerce: With online shopping gaining momentum every second, an e-commerce app offers two-fold benefits of providing your consumers with latest offers, discounts and schemes, and secondly giving them a convenient solution of shopping on their fingertips.
In the end, getting an app is not that difficult or expensive in the current era. And with a dope of information about apps, we leave you with a thought that asks, ‘Is your business ready for appification? Get your App idea free!