Intel inside is a well-entrenched paradigm in the consumer psyche in the PC category. The client wanted the same consumer preference created for Intel powered devices in the rapidly growing hand-held device category which suffers from increased commoditization. The challenge was drive conversations across consumer touch-points and superior meaningful experiences around the feature rich Intel-based hand-held devices at retail, to create consumer preference and reinforce the ‘Intel-Inside’ value proposition within the category.
We wanted to showcase the potential of technology as a fosterer of new vistas of learning and the focus TG was parents of school going children. Consumer insight that parents want their children to learn something new while having fun, inspired the ‘#timefornew learning’ integrated campaign that used Intel’s own social channels and Radio to drive footfalls to retail for parents and children to learn and create art together via an Intel based tablet and an origami artist and share those experiences on social media. Art met technology and delivered superior device experiences and a new kind of learning sparked conversations.
We wanted to drive real conversations that led to consumer connections and conversions seamlessly and genuinely added value to a consumer. Hence an Integrated campaign touching consumers at all points of interface with the brand and deeply rooted in consumer insight met our objectives. It powered superior retail experiences, genuine advocacy and enthused consumer engagement translating into preference and sales conversions for devices powered by Intel. The genuine excitement about a new kind of learning opportunity for the whole family with Intel based devices translated into an increase in footfalls to retail stores. Great devices and retail experiences were instant hits and social engagement on Intel’s own channels went up while #Intel trended on Twitter as happy consumers shared their #timefornew learning stories and pictures of experiences at retail. Sales conversions for Intel devices in participating stores went up while consumer advocacy peaked.