Tupperware, a brand that’s known for being the smart choice of smart women, joined hands with Pulp Strategy for being their social media agency. To ensure that their brand customer stays engaged, its woman workforce empowered and the sales soaring high, we crafted multiple engaging campaigns for Tupperware. We addressed the issue of food wastage with the campaign #CareForFood that resulted in 65,97,100 post reach, 3,30,293 engagement and a page reach of 1,05,98,38. With the campaign #DabbaExchangeFestival, we made switching easy and fun. This campaign resulted in 53,51,743 post reach, 2,38,881 engagement and 37,56,389 page reach. With post-Diwali feels all over, we inspired self-love in our audience with the campaign #AbApneLiye and scored 42,85,817 post reach, 95, 977 engagement and 61,45,150 page reach making it a successful campaign.
Just like that, on women’s day, we campaigned for #PressForConfidence. We even encouraged healthy habits and launched the #PassTheBottle campaign on World Water Day. All in all, Pulp Strategy added new dimensions to the Tupperware life.