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    Augmented reality application focuses on young consumers. Gives companies an edge in ground marketing!


    Augmented reality application focuses on young consumers. Gives companies an edge in ground marketing!

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    Augmented reality applicationPulp Strategy launches new application to give companies an edge in ground marketing.

    Pulp Strategy Communications, for its experimental mrketing and digital communications services, has launched a new augmented reality application that is meant to combine the digital and print worlds. The application is meant to add a new dimension to print media, which has struggled to stay in the interests of consumers due to the availability of new gadgets that have made some forms of print media obsolete. The augmented reality application allows for static creatives and collaterals to be used with interactive digital experiences, a feature that may be able to boost the popularity of print with the younger generation.

    Mobile App DevelopmentAugmented reality application could be a powerful marketing tool for many large brands

    The augmented reality application will be a particular benefit to companies with brand activation campaigns. Companies will be able to use the application as a way to connect with a younger audience, providing them with interactive content that they may not be able to find elsewhere. This is, indeed, what the application is designed for. Ambika Sharma, Managing Director and CEO of Pulp Strategy Communications suggests, “The app will find much synergies with the digital natives and young audiences.”

    Augmented reality is well on its way to becoming a leader in the marketing industry

    The technology is becoming a popular marketing tool due to its ability to provide consumers with an engaging experience with digital content. Augmented reality applications, in particular, are showing themselves to be excessively popular amongst younger consumers, many of whom are growing up stepped in mobile technology.

    Young generation may be an ideal audience for interactive marketing

    The comfort that the younger generation is showing with augmented reality makes them an ideal target for interactive marketing campaigns. These consumers are well versed in the various aspects of mobile technology and are accustomed to making use of it on a daily basis. Pulp believes that companies could benefit by setting their marketing sights on this demographic.

    App has many possibilities

    Android App Development

    The application is currently available for Android and iPhone users. This App is an excellent way to add digital content to printed media. With the increased penetration of smart devices in the youth the app allows the static creatives and collateral’s traditionally used in on ground activations to be infused with interactive digital experiences.  The next time marketeers plan for that poster creative in campus, or that big branded wall in a mall activation, or even brand merchandise for a campaign we can bring alive each piece of static creative digitally for their consumers. The possibilities are amazing, consumers can be prompted to quick check-ins on Social media at the press of a Button, Drive Likes or follows, go to the brand site or order a product or stream the brand video straight to the users hand held device.

    The thought is not new RFID bands for check-ins have been used in activations before however they are device restrictive and cost per user piles on if one scales up. It needs physical equipment presence to drive any engagement/check-ins. The Mobile app is device agnostic. Means all it needs is that the consumer have a smart phone and once planned it can scale up to unlimited consumers. It can be used unmanned means it is not necessary to have a promoter / brand representative drive the experience. Essentially the added delight in experience for the consumer comes at a negligible cost as part of the ground campaign. It integrates, Facebook,

    The possibilities are exciting and we have started to integrate the APP for our clients in upcoming campaigns. We do not offer the app independent of an on ground campaign and the cost will depend on the number of codes it will need with the concept at we create for the imagery. Cost could be anywhere between 3 to 6 lacs for the dev.

    To test the application on your Android or iPhone

    • Open the Layar App on your Android/iPhone. If you don’t have one get it from www.layar.com
    • Search & launch ‘Pulp Strategy’ on the Layar app
    • Hold your phone over the 1st image (big one), or you can open the image on the computer screen in full screen
    • Have fun!

    “This App is an excellent way to add digital content to printed media. With the increased penetration of smart devices in the youth the app allows the static creatives and collateral’s traditionally used in on ground activations to be infused with interactive digital experiences, in real time this means that a static poster or a nimlock standee which is a method of delivering static information can now be an exciting engagement prompt. It is now an information tool + an engagement prompter. Marketers find value in such innovations as not only is it useful and social media relevant but also breaks clutter and adds pizazz to existing branding elements increasing consumer engagement.”

      • Posted By
      • The Strategist
      • December 29, 2014

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