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    Designing for Mobile UX: 5 Best Practices for your Brand


    Designing for Mobile UX: 5 Best Practices for your Brand

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    At the dawn of the digital era, a fair looking website and a functional mobile application were considered vital digital milestones. With time and progress, made in the field of technology, these mere digital elements gradually became less of an option and more of a requirement.

    Like most of the creative processes, branding is like storytelling. While drafting an engaging story, user experience plays a vital role. A brand isn’t just about great visuals, unique logo, and appealing copy; it is closely related to great user-experience, isn’t it? But how does a brand craft an engaging user experience, well it is not the sole responsibility of one person or a team. Everyone, right from copywriters to designers to brand managers to marketing team contribute to a great user experience.

    But what exactly should be the core approach for an engaging user experience? Let’s find out

    1. Create relevant experiences for users

    User experience is a term used to describe the relevant interaction of customers with key touch-points of a brand. The prime objective lies in identifying the needs and serving those needs through best possible means. This not only helps in creating intuitive designs but also assures a smooth experience that ultimately leads to a great experience for customers.

    Identifying the customer’s true needs and expectations can be a tricky task but once you, as a brand, decode it, you are one step closer to them and two steps ahead of your competitors. Now you are aware of what exactly your customer is looking for, so voila! Cater them to the kind of content they are looking for.

    2. Navigation made Simple

    Navigation is the heart of your website or your mobile application. You want your customers to have a great experience on your website, but it will be difficult to achieve that if your navigation is confusing. The best practices comprise of reducing the number of clicks, offering distinct categories and optimizing the search option.

    Most of the time, users accomplish core functions in a mobile app, such as making payment, checking for new messages etc. By making them reach their goals faster can serve as a great way to enhance their experience.

    3. Make content the interface

    It is no longer a secret that brands around the globe look forward to creative and engaging ways to convey their stories, whether it is through creative blogs, visuals or larger than life videos.  Content marketing is an execution of creating and sharing quality content that is not only desirable by users but also adds value to their existing experience. This is why it’s critical to focus on the content and remove unnecessary elements that no longer support user tasks.

    4. Don’t make users wait for content

    Response rate matters. User behavior is unpredictable; sometimes a delayed and unresponsive behavior ultimately leads to a low customer-retention rate. The most impactful way to engage customers is by quickly responding to their queries and addressing the cause of their dissatisfaction.

    5. Use white space to draw attention

    White space, also known as negative space is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background. It is an essential element of mobile design, so using it wisely can be the smartest move. Despite its name, white space does not need to be white. It can be any color, texture, or even a background image. White space is an excellent tool to balance design elements and provide a great visual communication experience. The white space is the real showstopper, working between the pictures and the words. 

    A great user experience is an amalgamation of interactive UX design and business strategy for the brand. It’s a plan-of-action on how to find out if the user experience of a product is aligned with the business goals, and to bridge the gap between designers and the business objectives.

    We, at Pulp Strategy, provide unique ways to tell impactful and engaging stories of brands across the globe, by crafting relevant digital strategies that resonate with the ethos of the brand.

      • Posted By
      • The Strategist
      • November 21, 2017

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