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    Philips Avent – Niche marketing done right

    Case Study

    Philips Avent – Niche marketing done right

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    Presenting brands with infinite opportunities, the baby care segment in India is estimated to achieve a growth rate of 17% by 2019. But competing in the childcare category is 'no child's play'. Especially if your brand caters to a niche of breastfeeding young moms. These moms consume digital media and shop in remarkably different ways compared to any other segment. Here’s how Philips Avent came up with a clutter-breaking Niche Marketing campaign for ‘World Breastfeeding Week.’

    Understanding the breastfeeding struggles

    Motherhood brings a series of emotions, from extreme care for her child to doubts about changes in her own life. But one thing every mother wants is to give her baby the best of everything. And it starts with a promise of healthy – breastfeeding.

    Still, research shows that India has extremely low breastfeeding rates. The reason for this is the struggle that young moms who are constantly juggling with life and their baby’s breastfeeding needs. As opposed to what is right for the child, formula milk is considered a convenient alternative to breastmilk. Usage of breast pumps is clouded by myths of infection, pain and a negative impact on milk flow.

    Supporting young mothers

    As a millennial mom who wants to give her baby only the very best, she rocks. But what do they do when their life as a new mom starts getting a little rocky? Philips Avent had a perfect solution!

    Philips Avent believed that parenthood doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but having a support crew helps. Committed to support mothers, the brand wanted to create awareness about the benefits and challenges of exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of childbirth on “World Breastfeeding Week”.

    Life doesn’t stop…So why should breastfeeding

    This key message was delivered by an exclusive World Breastfeeding Day campaign. It kicked off with a short digital film where a new mother has to be a part of the opening of their restaurant without compromising on her baby’s care. Philips Avent’s breast pumps were shown as a silent supporter of her love for the baby and the demands of her millennial lifestyle.

    A promise of health, expressed in your milk

    The next one in the series was “A promise of health, expressed in your milk”. This short digital film highlighting realistic scenarios of mother-baby separation where millennial mothers made informed choices without compromising on their baby’s health.

    The film showcased a working woman managing work without compromising on her child’s health with the support of Philips Avent.

    Carving a niche to reach far and wide

    The campaign hit all digital platforms and generated conversations on a topic that was never discussed before. Participation of prominent industry experts further amplified the impact of busting the myths around the use of breast pumps.

    Final - Philips Avent - Master creative - (landscape) CMYK

    Numbers that speak volumes

    The campaign received over 42 million brand impressions across all digital platforms. With mothers sharing their challenges and joys of breastfeeding, and the assurance felt by the use of the breast pumps.

    The category grew by upwards of 50% in 2017 while the overall brand grew more than 1.5x which led to Philips Avent bagging Global Marketing Excellence award as a Brand leading the Child and Mother Care category.

    Watch full Case Study here-

    Source: BestMediaInfo.com

      • Posted By
      • The Strategist
      • August 1, 2018

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